Wednesday, July 28, 2010

When Breaking Up - Find A Neutral Zone To Break The News

It's a sad fact, but break ups happen.  Whether or not you think your partner may have noticed the guaranteed signs of a break up or not, when it comes time to actually break the news, pick a neutral place to break the news. 

When breaking up, it's never a good idea to deliver the news at your place or your partner's place.  Neither one of you wants to have those memories in your place.  You need to find a quiet place where both of you can discuss your feelings and talk about what went wrong. 

Depending on the person you are going to break up with, you may want to pick a public place like a restaurant or a park.  If you think the other person is going to be very upset, pick a park.  But if you think your partner may be upset to the point of being dangerous, you might want to consider picking a restaurant for your own safety.

Breaking up is never easy and sometimes the person you are breaking up with is totally shocked.  Remember that when you break the news.  If you have to, be the better person and just walk away if things get ugly.

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